

I’m always sort of scared to go to the gym when I’m sick. I have horrible visions of having a coughing fit on the elliptical and falling off – though it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve fallen off a piece of equipment at the gym. Fortunately, it didn’t happen and I made it through unscathed. After a couple days of being completely useless, it felt good to feel that burn again.

I experimented with spelt flour again tonight and made myself some pancakes for dinner. They were delicious and I have some batter in the fridge for tomorrow’s breakfast or dinner. Likely dinner because I have a big morning and a smoothie will be easier for sure.

So question though… what do you guys want more of? Food pics? Work outs? Sweaty post gym pics of moi? (Please say no to that one, I am not an attractive person at/after the gym.)

I’m also feeling like I want to go somewhere and do something insane. My girlfriend was telling me about the crazy mountains she saw last week in New Zealand and it made me miss the days where friends and I would go camping and get up to no good. I might have to go up to Algonquin and find AVK’s cabin or something. For those of you who don’t know who AVK is, get outta my face… but no, it’s Adam van Koeverden, Canadian Olympic athlete and my athlete crush. I think that seems like a completely reasonable idea, right?? I think we all know my feelings towards men in sharp suits…..

Oh hey Adam. Let’s portage?