Ohhh Thursday! :)

Today was the turn around day. The day when you’ve been sick and you wake up feeling human again. Yes, friends, I’m back! Today was just wicked awesome.

My hair looked good, my outfit was cute, all my favourite songs were rocking my iPod on the walk to work, the sun was out, I was so busy at work that it was 6 oclock before I realized it and high tailed it home. Dinner tasted great, I made kick ass chicken soup, got some groceries, had a call from my grammy, and now am off to the gym for a bit to ease my bod back into it. I’ve missed the gym so so badly.

A nice little 8km and relaxing shower to round out the day before I wake up to a beautiful Friday.


What a difference a day makes…

Oh. Hi. What’s up?

So, I had a solid weekend. Lots of fun and shopping and great times. Yesterday, I had a lovely visit with a friend and crushed a wicked good gym session with 10km and some crazy abs stuff. And then the Toronto Argos won the Grey Cup and my happy little weekend was ruined. All the rowdy fans spilled onto the streets and partied hard and were loud and trucks lined up by the arena to get things ready for unloading. They were also loud. I didn’t get to sleep until almost 2.

As I type, I’m waiting for my mug of NeoCitran to cool down enough to drink it and bathe my sore throat with that lemony medicine goodness. And I don’t feel bad about missing the gym because my abs feel as incredible and tight as my throat feels hurty and sore.

Some Neocitran, some Lang & O’Leary… yep. Solid Monday night right here.

Happy Friday!!

Hey guys! A quick morning post before I head over to work for another amazing day of learning and generally enjoying life.

Today is Black Friday for all you people State-side and, for the first time, over here in Canada too. I’ll be shopping tomorrow, I admit it. Time to get some cute new work dresses! To all my shopper friends, remember to stay hydrated and take some good snacks with you on the drive down and the trekking around the mall. Stay away from the food courts!!

With that, I’m off to finish my Green Monster and head out the door. Have a great day, everyone! 🙂

Oh heyyyyy!

Oh mannnn… some days, life is hard, right?

This morning, it was such a struggle to get out of bed and I hit snooze a couple times for those precious extra minutes of sleep but eventually, I was all clean and pretty and out the door. I’ve really been loving these morning walks to work and I can’t really put my finger on the reason why. They wake me up and get the day off to an active start. And I get to listen to awesome music so it’s a win-win. It’s about 3km a day roundtrip and this might be crazy but I’m feeling leaner. From an extra 3km a day…. weird. It could also be that I’m learning so much I’m burning brain calories…. either way, my work pants do not fit properly and my favourite FAVOURITE dresses and feeling a bit roomy. Le sigh.

Another rad perk of the new job is my accessibility to caffeine. David’s Tea, Starbucks, and Tim Horton’s all at my fingertips. Incredible.  Maybe bad news for my wallet but on the plus side, so many Gold stars which translate into free drinks! Whee!! And right now, I am LOVING the tall, skinny, half sweet peppermint mocha with nonfat milk…. no whip, obviously.

Kind of a random mix of topics tonight but here’s my last thing… it’s Movember and money raised by all those handsome mustaches goes to fund prostate cancer research and provide mental health services to the fellas who need it so with that……bon soir.

I mustache you a question….

Great day!

Whoaaaa… let me take a minute to catch my breath. It’s been a whirlwind lately. Today I was at the office later than usual and by the time I got home, I was STARVING. All along the walk home through the underground, muffins and danishes and cookies were reaching out to me. Warm, festive flavoured lattes beckoned me. I’ll admit, the creme bruleee cheesecake at my local corner coffee shop was basically begging me to come have some. Ugh. Life is hard when it’s been 4 hours since your last snack!!

But, fear not bloggy friends. I stayed strong. I got home, got changed into my gym clothes, cooked up a tilapia filet with some sauteed spinach, mushrooms, and peppers (my go to veggies) poured some of the AMAZING Thai hot sauce my dad brought me over them and mowed it down. Berries, banana, some Greek yogurt and some loose brewed tea to finish it off and I’m a happy girl. Digesting with some television before I head off for an 8km. I’m really hoping to start easing back into the weights soon too. A couple of weeks ago, I strained a muscle in my arm (poor form? random tweak? we’ll never know) and I totally thought I’d dislocated it. Fortunately, it wasn’t and now I have full range of motion so we’ll see what happens. I’m going to work on leaning out as opposed to bulking up so running and resistance exercises will be my new besties.

Go get it! 🙂