Wicked Wednesday!

Well, here we go, kidlets! We’re half way through the week and there’s a long weekend at the end of the tunnel!!

Tonight is going to be a great time at the gym because I’m going to keep up with the triathalon stuff so I’ll be warming up with a 20 min elliptical, then some weights and abs and into the bike for 10km which will probably take me about 15 mins, another longer run, maybe 30 mins? And then finish it all off with a few 400m time trials. It’s not in the right order but for now, that’s ok because I don’t want to be soaking wet when I’m running or biking but I do plan on doing it in the right order eventually. I’m thinking maybe in about a month when the tri’s about a month away.

I was talking to a friend who has done one and she suggested that I try the wetsuit on before the race because she cut her knuckles up on the one she rented, so that’s a good piece of advice. Who’s got some more for me? Anyone? 🙂


Try a Tri??

Sure. Why not. Toronto Island Try-a -tri, here I come. I’ve been swimming a km or so after the gym a couple times over the weekend and it felt good. The one I’m looking at doing is a 400 m swim, 10km bike ride, 2.5 km run. I’ve got this. I used to swim when I was in high school and it’ll probably be the easiest part for me. The hardest part will be the last 2.5km. But I’ll do it.

Any training suggestions or tri bag recommendations are welcome!

And yes, I am a little bit scared of getting kicked in the face but I’ll be juuuust fine. Let’s get it! 🙂

Is there anything better than the post gym shower?! I don’t care how old, or how out of shape or fit you are, you all know you’re crunching through those last 3 miles for the refreshing shower at the end of it.

Or maybe it’s just me. But, even if it is, I’m alright with that.

It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity…

I’m not one to mince words. It’s hot. Heat advisory hot. Gross.

This morning, I woke up and it hit me like a ton of brick. Made breakfast, had coffee, off to work I went. It was so gross hot that all I wanted was water. Food doesn’t matter to me when I’m this hot and gross feeling. I made it through…. tomorrow’s going to be even worse! It’s supposed to be a scorcher on Thursday too, so I guess we’ll see how lacrosse goes (Please, PLEASE let there be a storm before then… please?!)

I heard about the hydrating effects of watermelon today and it got me thinking about what some good summer veggies are. I’m thinking of doing eggplant next week… no idea how to go about it, but hey that’s what Pinterest is for… unless one of my lovely readers has a suggestion? Like…. Dad?? hahha

Speeeeaking of which, I know I haven’t done a Father’s day post yet… I’m not sure I can put how lucky I am into words, but here goes. My dad’s always been my biggest fan no matter what I was doing. He’d come to my lacrosse games and practices, swim practices and meets. He taught me how to drive in the GO train parking lot and only laughed a little when I ran into the garage door. My dad drove me the 18 hours to university and came back a month later for my 19th birthday. I’m pretty sure he got more choked up than I did at my graduation. He’s always been there for me, even if he’s a world away. I’m always very aware of how lucky I am but when I think about things like this, it really gets to me. Thanks for everything you do, Dad. Loves!

Me and my dad… circa… 1986?? Dad?? Yes??

Sneaky, sneaky…

You guys, I’m really excited. I just made a special treat for my friend Byn because I’m heading over to her place for dinner tomorrow… And then promptly hitting the gym when I get home. This weekend was hard with a couple friends in town. A few beers and a few meals out really throws a wrench into my plans. But, today is Monday which always means a fresh start to the week! 🙂

The treats are suuuuper easy but it’s a surprise so I’ll fill you in tomorrow and post the “recipe”. Trust me when I say these will be your go-to summer treats to beat the heat!

The sneakiest of all on Saturday night!

The sneakiest of all on Saturday night!

New week, new veggie!!

Ok, so a bit of an impromptu “new veggie” day… I was at the store today and the swiss chard looked a bit.. umm… rough? So I passed and instead, my eyes landed on a bunch of bok choy. Bok choy is something I’ve seen a lot of since moving to my city. I live really close to my local China Town so there’s always bok choy in the markets but I’d never tried it – until TODAY!

One of my besties was flying in to the airport down the street so I told her I’d meet her, get her fed, and drive her home. Seeing as we just booked a January trip to Thailand (more on that later), I figured we should kick the week off with a Thai green chicken curry. You guys, it was amazing. BUT, the point here is the bok choy. I washed it, cut it up and threw it in with the rest of the veggies. SO EASY. It’s basically just another green! I have ruffage options!!

I don’t know if I’d use it in my morning green monster smoothies (has anyone done this?? Should I ??) but it’s definitely going into the spinach/swiss chard rotation. Welcome to my life, bok choy. I look forward to many years together! 🙂


Yummy dinner! (and lunch for both of us!)


You guys, it happened again. Up at 6:57, made breakfast, coffee, and lunch. Unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded it, ordered my dad’s Father’s day present (the perks of celebrating it at the end of July! Love ya, Dad!) and now sitting with my coffee and watching BT before I head out for the day.

I’m turning into an adult. I guess it was bound to happen at some point.

A few words on artichoke…

Not worth the time. I’ll do a full post on these tasty time wasters after my True Blood dinner/premier party at my friend’s place but I mean… really? This makes me have a whole new appreciation for whoever has to prep the artichokes for artichoke and asiago dip. Props. to. you.

I’ll be bringing this bad boy to True Blood tonight, friends! Get ready! 🙂

What's Cooking on Planet Byn

Back in the Fall, I began tackling recipes that had been loitering in my Favourites folder for way too long (cough Oatmeal Cream Cheese Butterscotch Bars cough). Then Christmas Cookie season took over, and there wasn’t really any extra time for this little project, and it got put on hold.

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haters gonna hate…

I was going to do a post today on indulgences because I went to Starbucks with a girlfriend for a misto and a chat but then I saw this. For those of you who don’t know who Ben Davis is, go here and educate yourself. I’m sure you’ll find him to be quite upfront and honest about his journey all while maintaining a great sense of humour. He’s a blogger I follow and I’m so glad his blog exists because sometimes, I like to know that there are people out there I can relate to. And boy, can I ever relate to Ben and his ongoing stuggles.

As many of you know, I don’t weigh my self very often. I don’t have a scale and most of my weigh ins take place at my friend’s parents’ place, or at my cottage when I get out there. It’s not something that I feel is that important as long as I know that my clothes fit the way I like them to and I can do the things that I like doing with out feeling winded or awkward. Trust me when I say that I am my own harshest critic. And I’m sure that as hurtful and mean these insecure, anonymous posters online are, Ben’s his own harshest critic too.

We all have the haters and the nay-sayers. I’ve had people ask me why I don’t do a half marathon and are surprised when I tell them I have no desire to… “But I thought you wanted to stay slim?” or the people who look down on me when I decide to have a piece of cheesecake at a family function “Careful of that, it’s a slippery slope.” Thanks guys, I didn’t know that one! While I don’t have an interest in running a half or full marathon, I do have an interest in keeping healthy. And I’m sure I’m going to have times where things get a little side ways and to be honest, God help the person who chides me when I put on 5 or even 10 pounds. I’m not going to be happy about it and I’m sure that I won’t be as graceful about it as Ben was.

It’s so easy for these people to sit back and say horrible things. They have no idea how much hard work goes into every pound lost, how much thought goes into every choice made, how much self loathing there is for every failure or set back faced. The next time you think it’s appropriate to say something to someone about their weight, bite your tongue and ask them how they’re doing instead. For all the hard work and praise that people get for their successes, it only takes one comment to cut you down.

Don’t be a hater. No one liked the bully on the playground and no one likes the bully now.